Pages from the 1954 Owl can be found in the gallery link on the right hand side of the page.
Pages from the 1954 Owl can be found in the gallery link on the right hand side of the page.
Pages from the 1950 Owl can be found in the gallery link on the right hand side of the page.
All articles can be found in the gallery to the right under the heading “Vintage Souls“.
Acid Chemical Works (Brandt, PA) |
Aldrich, Mrs. Pearl E. |
Alexander, Dr. Edward |
Allen, James |
Allen, Joseph |
Allpaugh, Ester Mae |
Along the Erie Road (8-20-1898) |
Anson, Mrs. Amanda |
Anson, Mrs. Amanda |
Atkinson – Bolch (Marr.) |
Atkinson, Wm. G. |
Auto-Stop Device (Erie R.R.) |
Axtell – Williams (Marr.) |
Babcock, Mrs. Ada |
Bailey, Clarence T. |
Bailey, Maurice |
Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert S. (5oth Anniv.) |
Baird, A. J. |
Baker, U. G. (Canawacta Water Co. Battle) |
Baker, U. Grant (Farewell Banquet) |
Baker, U. S.Vrs. Canawacta Water Co. (Susquehanna, PA) |
Baker, Ulysses Grant (History) |
Barnes, Eli |
Barnes, Luther |
Barrett, Elias A. |
Barry, David |
Barry, David (2nd Art.) |
Barry, David (3rd Art.) |
Barton, Harriet S. |
Bartram, Georgie |
Bates – McKune (Marr.) |
Battle with Burglars |
Baty, Mrs. Florence |
Bean, Thompson |
Beautiful Susquehanna (PA) River |
Beebe, Mrs. Isabelle |
Benedict, Rena |
Benjamin, Dora (Fire) |
Bennett, Charlotte |
Best William J. |
Beutelspacher, Charles |
Blake – Connors (Marr.) |
Blake, John |
Boehner, Constine |
Bond, Mrs. Margaret |
Botts, Arthur J. |
Botts, Mrs. Joseph |
Boyd – Hawkins (Marr.) |
Boyle – Vincent (Marr.) |
Boyle, Mrs. James |
Brandt ({A) Clay Products (Adv.) |
Brandt (PA) News (3-18-1893) |
Brandt (PA) News (4-18-1918) |
Brandt (PA) News (5-26-1891) |
Brandt (PA) News (5-8-1896) |
Brandt (PA) News (7-21-1897)) |
Brandt (PA) News (7-23-1897) |
Brandt (PA) News (8-1-1907) |
Brandt (PA) Tile and Brick Co. (Adv.) |
Brandt(PA) News (5-25-1901) |
Bridge Swept Away (Stevens Point, PA) |
Briggs, Philetus |
Brock, J. W. |
Brock, Mrs. Harvey |
Brock, Mrs. Selah |
Brown, Cornelius |
Brown, Fenton |
Brown, Harry (Dynamiting Fish) |
Brown, Harry (Melrose, PA) |
Brown, J. E. |
Brush, Mrs. Ella |
Brush, Ulysses Grant |
Brushville (PA) News (3-11-1902)) |
Brushville (PA) News (4-2-1903) |
Bryant, Mrs. Louisa |
Buchanan, Hugh |
Buchanan, Hugh, George Brown (Larceny Charges) |
Buchanan, Hugh, Hiley, Carrie |
Buchanan, Luther |
Burchell, Horace |
Burchell, Pvt. Ernest Eugene |
Burdick, Leonard |
Burdick, Leonard M. |
Burdick, Mrs. Flossie |
Burdick, Mrs. Josephine |
Bushnell, Hubbard |
Butts, Mrs. Ella D. |
Butts, Rebecca Marie |
Campbell, Eugene |
Car Couplers (Railroad) |
Carnegie, Ianthus |
Carnegie, Samuel |
Carrington – Raney (Marr.) |
Carroll, Jeremiah |
Casey, Dennis |
Cemetery Beginnings (Stevens Point, PA) |
Cemetery Protection |
Charrington, Mary |
Church, Henry |
Civil War Veteran Reunion (1912) |
Civil War Veteran Reunion (27th Reg. NY Vol. 1912) |
Civil War Veterans Reunion (Oct. 1906) |
Civil War Veterans Reunion (Sept. 1895) |
Clancey, Bartholomew |
Clapper, Joseph |
ClassOf1936(Lanesboro,PA) |
Clendenning, Mrs. Nancy |
Clendenning, Nan+A1:A155cy |
Cleveland, Mrs. Lucy |
Cohen, Mrs. Gus |
Cole, Mrs. Sylvia |
Condon, John |
Congdon, Mrs. John |
Cook – Gillin (Marr.) |
Cook – Riley (Marr.) |
Cook, Mrs. Elizabeth |
Cortland Cty. (Home, NY) Whigs |
Cowperthwait, Irene |
Cowperthwait, Stephen |
Cowperthwaite, David S. |
Cowperthwaite, Rexford W. |
Coyle, Mrs. Helena (McDevitt) |
Crandall, A. B. |
Crape Wreaths on Doors |
Crawford, Chas. |
Creegan, Mrs. Eliza |
Crewe, William |
Cullen, Charles |
Curtis, Charles |
Curtis, Gaylord |
D & H Railroad |
Daffy, Mrs. E. |
Damage Suits (D. and H. Railroad) |
DePue – Conn (Marr.) |
Deyo, John |
Deyo, Mabel and Margery |
DH Railroad Yards (Binghamton, NY) |
Dickman, John |
Dillon, Martin |
Dimble, Infant Dau. |
Dismantle Engines (Erie RR Shops) |
Dix, Mrs. Helen L. |
Dixon, Elizabeth S. |
Donaldson, Harry |
Donavon, James |
Doolittle, J. W. |
Doyle – Connors (Marr.) |
Doyle, Albert J. |
Drake, S. S. (Erie Train Yard) |
Driscoll, Joseph |
Eckhardt, Frederick C. |
Eisman, M. H. |
Electric Light Plant (Susquehanna, PA) |
Ellnor, Floyd |
Engel, Dr. S.J. |
Entertainment (Brandt, PA) |
Epes, Charles M. |
Erie Accident (Lanesboro, PA) |
Erie Band Concert (Susquehanna, PA) |
Erie Railroad (Advertisement) |
Erie Railroad (Early History) |
Erie Railroad (Frauds) |
Erie Railroad Rider (NY Times Reporter) |
Erie Shops (1887 Art.) |
Erie Shops (Baseball Team) |
Erie Shops (Binghamton, NY Move) |
Erie Shops (Hotel Addition) |
Erie Shops (Susquehanna, PA) |
Erie Shops (Takeover) |
Erie Shops Foreman |
Erie Shops On Strike (Susquehanna, PA) |
Erie Shops Reduced Hours (Susquehanna, PA) |
Erie Shops Repairs (Susquehanna, PA) |
Erie Shops Strike 1874 (Susquehanna, PA) |
Erie Shops Strike 1901 (Susquehanna, PA) |
Erie Storehouse Fires (Susquehanna, PA) |
Erie Train Signals |
Erie Train Wreck (1933) |
Erie Train Wreck 1917 (Susquehanna, PA) |
Erikson – Smith (Marr.) |
Fabrizi, Luigi |
Filkins, Mrs. Dwight |
Findon, William F. |
Fish Dynamiting (Melrose, PA) |
Fish Stocking |
Fish Story (Stevens Point, PA) |
Fisher (Cats) |
Fitzgerald, Thomas |
Five Generations (Hand, Smith, Thomas) |
Flint, Mrs. Louisa C. |
Flooding (Susquehanna, PA) |
Foley – Clark (Marr.) |
For the Railroad Men (10-14-1894) |
For the Railroad Men (1-1-1899) |
For the Railroad Men (1-13-1896) |
For the Railroad Men (11-4-1894) |
For the Railroad Men (7-7-1895) |
Forbes, Mrs. E. E. |
Forest Fire (Brandt, PA) |
Forest Fire 1 (Brandt, PA) |
Forest Fires (Brandt, PA) |
Fossil Footprints (Lanesboro, PA) Quarry |
Fox, William |
Frazier, Hon. George T. |
French, Mr. Ida (Watkins) |
Furey, Mrs. Bridget |
Furgerson – Reed (Marr.) |
Gallagher – Lovelace (Shooting) |
Galloway, Mrs. Sarah |
Gates, Charles |
Gay, Mrs. Hattie |
Geer, Anna |
Geer, Floyd H. |
Getter, Mrs. Mary |
Glover Family |
Glover, Nelson |
Glover, Roberta Jean |
Glover, Roy |
Guile, Charles |
Grace, Miss Ellen |
Grade Crossing Eliminations |
Graham, John |
Greenwood-Todd (Marr.) |
Gregory, Paulina |
Griffis, Jean Louise |
Griffis, Paul Egbert |
Haley – Wood (Marr.) |
Halfpenny, Mrs. Rachel A. |
Hall – Clark (Marr.) |
Hall, R. M. (Cyclone Damage) |
Hamilton, Evangeline |
Hamilton, Mrs. Emila |
Hamilton, Mrs. Emila |
Hanton – Jurish (Marr.) |
Harmony Brick Co. (Advertisement) |
Harmony Brick Co. (Advertisement) |
Harris – Councilman (Marr.) |
Harris, Mrs. Wells |
Healey, Mrs. W. J. |
Hendrickson – Clapper – Weible (Funerals) |
Hennessey – Harvey (Marr.) |
Hennessey, Michael |
Hesketh, Thomas |
Hines, Michael |
Hirst, Milton R. |
Histed, Mrs. Jessie L. |
Hobart, Edward |
Hobart, Infant Dau. |
Hobart, James H. |
Hobart, James H. |
Hobart, Winthrop |
Hogan – Callahan (Marr.) |
Hogan, James |
Hogan, Michael |
Hogan, Thomas |
Holdridge, Harry A. |
Holiday, Mrs. Evelyn H. |
Holleran – Coyle (Marr.) |
Horse Sense (Don’ts) |
Houghton, George L. |
Houlihan, Michael |
Hover, Laura (Hotaling) |
Hunt, Mrs. Susan |
Iring, Frank |
Ives, John |
Jackson, Mrs. L. M. |
Jamison, Thomas |
Jefferson Branch (Erie R.R.) |
Johnson – Burchell (Marr.) |
June, Abel |
June, Bernard H. |
Jurisch, Chas. A. |
Kane – Spoonhower (Wedding) |
Kany, Clara J. |
Kearsey, Mrs. Anna |
Keel, Samuel |
Keene, Fred W. |
Kendall – Slocum |
Kennedy, Anne Loretta |
Kennedy, John W. |
Kennedy, Miss Anna J. |
Kessler – Atwater (Wedding) |
Kessler House for Sale (Brandt, PA) |
Kimley, Willie |
King – Palmer – Creegan – Dugan (Erie Law Suits) |
Kittell, Erie Engineer |
Kittell, John P. |
Klaer – Spoonhower (Wedding) |
Knise, Emma C. |
Knise, Frederick |
Knise, Mrs. Frederick |
Kniskern, P. S. |
Kuhn, Elwin |
Kuss, Helmut |
LaFave, Mrs. Mary |
Lake, Harry |
Lanesboro (PA) Class of 1936 |
Lanesboro (PA) Jail |
Lanesboro (PA) News (8-1-1907) |
Langford, Miss Frances E. N. |
Langford, Mrs. Katherine (Norton) |
Lannon – McCarthy (Marr.) |
Lannon, John |
Largest Locomotive |
Larrabee, Ella E. |
Layman, Charles |
Lee, Ethan |
Lee, Irving D. |
Lemon, Frank |
Lester, Eva B. |
Liebig, Charlotte and Anna |
Liebig, Harry A. |
Lockwood, Mrs. Florence |
Locomotive Improvements |
Loomis, Genevieve |
Lovelace, Hannah P. |
Lovelace, Mildred and Margaret |
Lovett, James |
Lynch, Michael |
Lyons – Donahue (Marr.) |
Lyons, Jas. |
Lyons, Mrs. Mary |
Macadamiged Road (Susquehanna – Great Bend (PA) |
Madden, Mrs. P. H. |
Madigan, James |
Madigan, Veronica |
Malpass, Rev. Daniel |
Mannering, Wilbrahm |
Markart, Casper |
Marx – Doolittle (Marr.) |
Mastropietro, Joseph |
Mathias, Clifford |
McCarthy, Mrs. Honora |
McCoy, Daniel |
McDevitt, Elvina |
McDonald, Mrs. Emily |
McHugh – Creegan (Marr.) |
McIntyre, Alexander G. |
McKernan, Owen J. |
McKnight, John L. |
McLean, Arthur |
McMahon – Lewis (Marr.) |
McMahon, Mrs. John |
McNamara, Mrs. John |
Meade – Kent (Marr.) |
Meade Brothers – Hinkley (Bandits) |
Meade, Mrs. Martha B. |
Medals for Veterans |
Mellin, Wm. |
Memorial Day (Brandt, PA) (1904) |
Memorial Day (Susquehanna, PA) (1896) |
Memorial Day (Susquehanna, PA) (1902) |
Memorial Day (Susquehanna, PA) (1911) |
Memorial Day Services (5-20-1902) |
Merinus, Mrs. Fred |
Merk, Arthur |
Millane, Rev. Miles J. |
Miller, Mrs. Catherine |
Miller, Mrs. Gwen H. |
Miller, Mrs.Frank |
Millmore, Mrs. Ida |
Missing Currency (Erie Depot) |
Mitchell – Twining (Marr.) |
Mitchell, Dr. W. S. |
Moon, Rev. S. H. |
Moon, Rev. S. H. |
Moore, Edward |
Moore, James |
Moore-Coutant (Marr.) |
Mormons (McKune’s Homestead) |
Mormorism |
Morris, Mrs. John |
Moser, Mrs. Elizabeth |
Mulrooney – Conroy (Marr.) |
Murphy – Reddington (Marr.) |
Murphy Edward A. (Bandit) |
Murphy, Mrs. Daniel |
Murphy, Mrs. James |
Mushrooms – Toad Stools |
Myers, Conrad |
Myrick, Ira |
Nataline, Mrs. Marcella |
Neskey, Rudolph |
New School Building (Susquehanna, PA) |
New Sidewalks (Susquehanna, PA) |
Newell, Mrs. Sarah |
Newham, Mrs. Eliza |
Newham, Mrs. John |
Newspaper Building Fire (Susquehanna, PA) |
Newspaper Editors |
Nickerson, Ida May |
Nieman – Stollock (Murder) |
Non-Resident Bathers |
Norman, Miss Helen |
Norton – Smith (Erie Shops Promotees) |
Norton, Sarah |
O’Callahan, Roger |
O’Connell, Daniel |
O’Connell, Jas. V. |
Old Bear Trap (Circa 1720) |
Old Folks Tales |
Old Soldiers Pensions |
Olsen, James |
O’Neil, Eugene |
Orafello, Joseph |
Overdue Accounts |
Owens – Beebe (Marr.) |
Parker, Charles A. (Pop) |
Parker, I. Richard |
Parker, I. Richard |
Parker, John R. |
Parker, Mrs. Charles |
Parker, Mrs. Narcissa |
Patrick, Daniel |
Perrine, Miss Hannah |
Pooler, Ray |
Pope, Mrs. Daniel |
Potter – Washburn (Marr.) |
Potter, Francis |
Prentice – Putnam (Marr.) |
Prentice, Corpl. George (War Letters Home) |
Prentice, Mrs. Nancy |
Prentiss, Daughter (Death) |
Pres. Grant (Susquehanna, PA Train Tour) |
Prescott, Miss Annie |
Prescott, Mrs. Imre |
Price, Samuel |
Pride, F. H. |
Proctor, George H. |
Proctor, Mrs. May Elizabeth |
Public School Improvements (Susquehanna, PA) |
Quarry Stone (Lanesboro, PA) |
Rafferty, Edward |
Rahilly – Cronin (Marr.) |
Ramey, Edna M. |
Ramey, James |
Ramey, Horace |
Raynesford, Mrs. E. L. |
Reddon – Montgomery (Marr.) |
Rededication Church Services (Bethel Hill, PA) |
Reed – Carr (Marr.) |
Registration of PA Births (1906) |
Resseguie, George |
Revival Rites (Lanesboro, PA Church) |
Reynolds, Mrs. Eliza |
Rice, Rev. Charles |
Riverside Park (Lanesboro, PA) |
Rockwell, Olivia |
Roney, Mrs. Mary |
Russell, Mrs. Thomas |
Ryan, Mary (O’Connor) |
Rynearson, Margaret |
Saam, Marion |
Saunders, Mrs. Johanna |
Saxton, Mrs. Sophronia |
Scales, Richard |
Seamans, Mrs. A. G. |
Seeley, Isaac H. |
Seven Counties Veterans’ Reunion (Lanesboro, PA) |
Seward, Dudley |
Shay, George R. |
Shellman, Riley G. |
Shey, Riley |
Shipley, Joseph |
Simmons, Mrs. Etta S. |
Simmons, Pauline (Hobart) |
Slate, Mrs. Pauline Alberta |
Slocum, Harry H. |
Slocum, Miss Eva |
Slocum, Robert |
Smallpox Epidemic (Stevens Point, PA) |
Smallpox Quarantine (Lanesboro, PA) |
Smallpox Quarantine (Stevens Point, Lanesboro (PA) |
Smiley – Crowley (Marr.) |
Smith, Angus |
Smith, Bert E. |
Smith, Dr. E. N. |
Smith, Frederick |
Smith, Joseph – Deacon Stowell |
Smith, Joseph (Mormonism) |
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Angus (50th Anniv.) |
Smith, Mrs. Angus |
Smith, Mrs. Martha J. |
Smith, William H. |
Snake Story (Stevens Point, PA) |
Snow, Russell Robert |
Snyder, Earl (Jack) |
Spelenberg, Mrs. Gertrude |
Sperl, Henry J. |
Spoonhower, Mrs. Susan |
Springsteen, Mrs.Theodore Jr. |
Squires – Doolittle (Marr.) |
Squires, Mrs. Estelle (Heliker) |
Stack, Mrs. Edward |
Stamp, Mrs. Ella |
Stanton, Mrs. Lillian May |
Starkweather, George |
Starkweather, George A.(Cemetery Monument) |
Starrucca Viaduct (Lanesboro, PA Art. 1) |
Starrucca Viaduct (Lanesboro, PA Art.2) |
Starrucca Viaduct (Lanesboro, PA Art.3) |
Starrucca Viaduct (Lanesboro, PA Art.4) |
Starrucca Viaduct (Lanesboro, PA Art.5) |
Stasel, Miles |
States, Elmer (Lanesboro (PA) Coal Vein |
Stephen, Mrs. Elizabeth |
Stevens – Adams (Marr.) |
Stevens Point (PA) (1-13-1892) |
Stevens Point (PA) News (10-5-1897) |
Stevens Point (PA) News (4-11-1900) |
Stevens Point (PA) News (5-21-1908) |
Stevens Point (PA) News (5-25-1897) |
Stevens Point (PA) News (9-21-1894) |
Stevens Point (PA) News (4-18-1918) |
Stevens Point )PA) (8-8-1892) |
Stevens, William B. |
Stickley – Brandt Furniture Adv. (Handsome Buffet) |
Stickley – Brandt Furniture Adv. (Handsome Rocker) |
Stickley – Brandt Furniture Adv. (Morris Reclining Chair) |
Stickley – Brandt Furniture Adv. (Parlor Table) |
Stickley – Brandt Store (Advertisement) |
Stickley -Brandt Chair Co. |
Stockwell – Henderson (Marr.) |
Story by “Whit” |
Stourbridge Lion Historic Momento) |
Street Rowdyism (Susquehanna, PA) |
Sullivan, Mrs. Julia |
Susquehanna (PA) Bridge |
Susquehanna (PA) Business Men (Outing) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (10-10-1899) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (10-19-1915) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (1-12-1894) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (11-23-1899) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (11-26-1904) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (1-18-1875) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (12-20-1923) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (12-30-1899) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (3-18-1892) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (3-3-1921) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (3-7-1904) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (3-7-1907) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (4-1-1907) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (4-8-1892) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (5-1-1900) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (5-2-1890) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (5-27-1897) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (5-27-1933) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (6-24-1933) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (6-26 1891) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (6-5-1916) |
Susquehanna (PA) News (6-5-1919) |
Susquehanna, PA News (4-2-1926) |
Susquehanna, PA News (7-3-1939) |
Sutherland, Mrs. R. O. |
Sutton, Chester |
Swenson, Herman |
Swingle, Arthur F. |
Swingle, Loren |
Sword – Smeed (Mysterious Deaths) |
Tannery Sale (Lanesboro, PA) |
Taylor – Barnhart |
Taylor – Sloat (Marr.) |
Taylor, Jacob |
Taylor, Mrs. Julia |
Temporary Bridges (Stevens Point – Brandt (PA) |
Terrell, Mrs. Eliza |
Terrell, Mrs. George |
Terrell, Phillip |
Terrell, Sylvester |
Tewksbury, Charles |
The Sadder Side (Poem) |
The Shady Side |
The Transcript (Susquehanna, PA) |
Thompson, Charles |
Three Narrow Escapes (Erie R.R.) |
Tickner – Patrick (Marr.) |
Tierney, Mrs. Michael |
Tingley, Mrs. H. A. (New monument) |
Tingley, Mrs. H. A. |
Tioga Engine (Erie Shops (Susquehanna, PA) |
Titus, Willus C. |
Toll Bridge (Susquehanna, PA) |
Tompkins, Arnold |
Topping, Thomas J. |
Touhey, Arthur P. |
Trabold-Irabold, Mrs. Wm. |
Train Wreck (Lanesboro, PA) |
Train Wreck (Stevens Point, PA) |
Tripp, Levi |
Vaccarro, Andrew James |
Valentine, Mrs. John |
VanAntWerp, Nicholas |
VanHorn, Fred D. |
VanHorn, Mrs. Edna |
Vermilyes, Clark |
W. B. Main Co. (Fire) |
Walker, Frank |
Wallace – Fox (Marr.) |
Wallace, Ms. Martha |
Warner, Mathias |
Washburn – Toth (Marr.) |
Washburn, James |
Washburn, Mrs. Carrie |
Water Co. Battle (Susquehanna, PA) |
Watkins – Risley (Marr.) |
Watkins, Mrs. Mattie Jane |
Wayman, Harvey L. |
Webb, Emeline C. |
Welch, Christopher |
Westervelt – Robbins (Marr.) |
Westfall, Mrs. Charles B. |
Wheeler – Littis (Marr.) |
Wheeler, Mrs. Olive |
Whipple, Mrs. Edna |
White – Orapello (Wedding) |
White, John |
Whitney, Corydon |
Whitney, George |
Whitney, Marguerite |
Whitney, Marion C. |
Wickham – Rourke (Deaths) |
Wiebel, Mildred |
Wieble, Merle R. |
Wild West Show (Advertisement) |
Williams – Brown (Train Robbery) |
Williams, Jack |
Wilson, Cora |
Wilson, George |
Winters, Fred |
Withbeck, Orton |
Wood, Ray |
Woodard, Wm. |
Woodward, Miss Ada |
Kilrow -Wright (Politics) |
Wright, Charles Fred |
Yale, Lt. Wayne |
Yannone, Joseph |
Young – Smith (Marr.) |
Young, William S. |
Zeigler, James C. |