Our Fallen Heroes Pages: 1 2
17thCalvary(Honored) hi-res
Avery, Jerome
Avery, Jerome hi-res
Blakeslee, Joseph G
Blakeslee, Joseph G hi-res
Bliss, James H
Bliss, James H hi-res
Bolles, Jasper A
Bolles, Jasper A hi-res
Boughton, Benjamin H
Boughton, Benjamin H hi-res
Brown, John S
Brown, John S hi-res
Buel, Daniel A
Buel, Daniel A hi-res
Buel, Nathan
Buel, Nathan hi-res
Bunnel, James M
Bunnel, James M hi-res
Bunnell, James Monroe (Funeral Notice)
Bunnell, James Monroe (Funeral Notice) hi-res
Burgess, Frederick C
Burgess, Frederick C hi-res
Canfield, Northrop
Canfield, Northrop hi-res
Colter, Patrick
Colter, Patrick hi-res
Cory, James H
Cory, James H hi-res
Crawford, Charles
Crawford, Charles hi-res
Dart, Clark Reed
Dart, Clark Reed hi-res
Davis, Ezekiel
Davis, Ezekiel hi-res
Foster, George N
Foster, George N hi-res
Francis, Rev. Henry
Francis, Rev. Henry hi-res
Gates, Elwood
Gates, Elwood hi-res
Green, Porter L
Green, Porter L hi-res
Hartt, Albert H
Hartt, Albert H hi-res
Hartt, Enoch
Hartt, Enoch hi-res
Horton, William H
Horton, William H hi-res
Howe, Nathan
Howe, Nathan hi-res
Johnson, Allen B
Johnson, Allen B hi-res
Mills, Theodore Perry
Mills, Theodore Perry hi-res
Morgan, Wm. B
Morgan, Wm. B hi-res
Patterson, Abram Jr. and David
Patterson, Abram Jr. and David hi-res
Porter, Henry A
Porter, Henry A hi-res
Pres.LincolnSpeech hi-res
Rogers FN
Rogers FN hi-res
Rogers, Edwin
Rogers, Edwin hi-res
Rose, Wm. S
Rose, Wm. S hi-res
Sivers, Martin
Sivers, Martin hi-res
SoldiersOrphanSchool hi-res
Stephens, Addison
Stephens, Addison hi-res
Stevens, Horace
Stevens, Horace hi-res
Sturdevant, A. Judson
Sturdevant, A. Judson hi-res
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